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Various techy things I find and pass on….

A series of Symbian^4 screenshots from the Symbian Foundation shows the open-source project in action.

Screen shots are on the following website:

An excerpt below:

Scott Weiss, UI Technology Manager at Symbian Foundation, recently submitted official Symbian^4 screenshots to the My Nokia Blog. Screenshots and videos of the upcoming interface should also be made available from Symbian’s website soon. According to Weiss, Symbian^4 brings the menu bar, toolbar, persistent back button as well as other innovations. A lot of things should be available already in Symbian^3 though, such as multiple home screen pages and the ability to customize each home screen page with a different wallpaper.
The Symbian^4 UI will take full advantage of 3D graphics hardware acceleration, meaning that the interface will require such technology to work smoothly. A company like Google recently said that their main focus moving forward will be to develop interfaces taking advantage of such technology too. We also assume that Apple’s iPhone 4.0 will be offering a range of new goodies requiring 3D graphics hardware acceleration.
In other words, if you’re going to enjoy the latest and greatest in mobile user interfaces in the future, a mid-range smartphone will simply not get things moving fast enough for you. As far as Symbian^4 smartphones are concerned, it’s not known how manufacturers will adopt to that new world. Like most new smartphone interfaces it’s also touchscreen-only. Given the popularity of finger-touch, we doubt a smartphone will ever need a non-touch interface again though. Standard cell phones are getting more advanced anyway, which will be a great option for those who want to access common smartphone features the old (and cheap) way.
Anyway, we recommend checking out a post that discusses the new Symbian^4 screenshots over at the My Nokia Blog.

14 February, 2010 Posted by | Phones | , | Leave a comment