Tech Archive

Various techy things I find and pass on….

New Beta version: Android TweetDeck – 1.

New Beta version: Android TweetDeck – 1.0.1 Test Release

18 October, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Fake #Facebook E-mail Infected with Trojan

MX Lab, a security firm, detected a new variant of Bredolab Trojan horse attached to a fake “Facebook Password Reset Confirmation” email. Some users claim that the e-mail comes from “The Facebook Team” where the sender’s e-mail address is displays as “” Unfortunately, the address and sender were disguised.

The said e-mail is accompanied with an attachment named “”, also includes the file Facebook_Password_4cf91.exe” and contains the new Facebook password of the user. When you run the file, it could cause destruction on your computer. According to MX Lab, Trojan horse Bredolab executes files from the Internet such as rogue anti-spyware. It is a malicious Malware that injects its own code into legitimate processes svchost.exe and explorer.exe to bypass firewalls. It also contains anti-sandbox code which allows Bredolab to quit by itself when an external program investigates its actions.

M86 Security, another security watchdog, said that Bredolab don’t just sneak into the computer of the user but also downloads a bot called Pushdo. Pushdo will immediately start spamming out more Facebookpassword reset e-mails. Facebook explained that the e-mail containing the virus is not coming from them. According to them, they will never send users a new password as attachment. They advised the users to immediately have their computers run a virus scan. Facebook users should be careful with a fake e-mail disguising as a Facebook password reset e-mail containing an attachment of the new password but in reality, contains a virus.


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16 February, 2010 Posted by | Social | , , , | Leave a comment

Cool video showing the graphics power of the #Nokia #N900

Got to be the best showing of 3D graphics I’ve seen to date:



16 February, 2010 Posted by | N900, Phones | , | Leave a comment

#Nokia has published a demo application for #N900 that shows a preview of #Maemo 6 (Harmattan) user interface.

Andrea Grandi posts about this demo application for the N900, please visit his site for info:


16 February, 2010 Posted by | N900, Phones | , , | Leave a comment

#MeeGo & #Maemo developers – Deb packages or RPM’s the way to go? The official poll:

The Meego/Maemo people are polling developers to see which system will be preferred, voice your opinion on their poll:


15 February, 2010 Posted by | Phones | , , , , | Leave a comment

Chip Vendors Hope to Turn Phones Into HD Media Players

Article from can be found here.

Both Qualcomm and ST-Ericsson are demonstrating at Mobile World Congress concept smartphones that can connect to and play HD content on TVs.

The chip vendors booth’s give a glimpse into what the next-generation smartphones will be equipped with. One of these features is the ability to connect to TVs using an HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) cable and show HD content at up to 1080p.

ST-Ericsson is showing its upcoming U8500 smartphone platform, which can handle 1080p content, according to a statement. Smartphones based on the platform will start shipping during the first half of 2011, a spokeswoman said via e-mail.

Qualcomm is demonstrating a concept smartphone based on the MSM7630, which supports video at 720p and will show up inside real smartphones later this year, according to a Qualcomm spokesman. Qualcomm’s smartphone is also able to play four separate video streams at the same time.

Qualcomm is also working on chipsets that will be able to play 1080p content, according to a public road map.

The chipsets are able to handle the extra processing load added by 1080p by using multiple cores.

Currently, the phones use cables to connect the phone to the TV, but ST-Ericsson says this connection will eventually go wireless using 802.11n and DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance), which is a standard used to connect and share content between consumer electronics products.

But Qualcomm and ST-Ericsson aren’t the only ones who think that consumers want their phones to be turned into HD media players. Version 3 of Symbian has built-in support for HDMI and will be

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able to play content at 1080p, the Symbian Foundation said on Monday. Version 3 will be ready during the third quarter, at the earliest.

15 February, 2010 Posted by | Phones | , , , , | Leave a comment

Check-in on #Foursquare via #Gravity

Published by Ewan Spence on this morning, find the full article here

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Popular Symbian Twitter client Gravity, hot on the heals of the addition of geo-location, has now added support for Foursquare to check in from the client. Driven, like many of the changes in Gravity, by user requests, you simply add your Foursquare account from the main screen then click through and update your location via GPS. It’s currently available to download for 5th Edition devices in the alpha builds of Gravity. Read on for screens etc.

This update shows one of the many reasons that Gravity is one of the best illustrations of what a good eco-system can offer. First of all for those users who just want something that works, the regular stable build of Gravity is always available. Only if you want to rush ahead and test out new features, potentially with bugs, do you grab the alpha version.

Gravity and Foursquare Gravity and Foursquare

Secondly, it shows how important having open access to your data if you have a web service is. Foursquare, as we’ve previously noted. has still to release a Symbian based client, relying on their mobile website or SMS check-in. But they do have an Api that programmers can access… and this is what Gravity is using.

Gravity and Foursquare Gravity and Foursquare

It helps Foursquare, it helps Gravity, it helps the users, it’s a win on all fronts.

And it’s just another reason why Jan Ole Suhr and Gravity is one of the best demonstrations of what a virtuous cycle a smartphone community can deliver to end users, developers and service providers.

15 February, 2010 Posted by | Phones | , , | Leave a comment

#Symbian #S^3 officially announced, previewed on video

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View the video on the article here


15 February, 2010 Posted by | Phones | , | Leave a comment

Sony Ericsson shows love for #Android

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An excerpt below from

BARCELONA–Executives from Sony Ericsson, the struggling European handset maker working hard to make a turnaround in 2010, said most of its new phones introduced this coming year will sport the Google Android operating system.

On the eve of the Mobile World Congress trade show, Sony Ericsson held a press conference here to show off its three new smartphones due out the first half of 2010. All three phones fit into an existing portfolio of devices that the company is calling the Fab Five. And two of the latest handsets will use Google Android.

Sony Ericsson shows off new Android phones.

(Credit: Marguerite Reardon/CNET)

The two new Android phones are follow-on products to another Android device Sony Ericsson introduced in November, the X10. The new phones, the X10 Mini and X10 Mini Pro, are similar to the X10, but smaller and more compact than the original device.

The third phone announced, the Vivaz Pro, adds a QWERTY keyboard to the Vivaz, a device announced by Sony Ericsson. These phones use the Symbian operating system.

Up until recently, Sony Ericsson mostly used the Symbian operating system for its smartphones. Now, the company’s CEO Bert Nordberg said the company will use three mobile OSes: Symbian, Microsoft’s Windows Mobile, and Google Android.

15 February, 2010 Posted by | Phones | , | Leave a comment

#Symbian Foundation’s #Wikipedia Reader Widget v1.00rc2 S60v3

News From Dreamstrikes:

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Coming out of the Symbian Foundation’s developer wiki system is a handy Wikipedia widget that installs on any Symbian-powered smartphone with Web runtime (so that’s most of them). Search results are all optimised for the small screen and it seems a quick and efficient way to access Wikipedia’s content.

The Wikipedia Reader widget is in beta, but should work on:
1. All Series 60 3rd Edition FP2 and later phones
2. Samsung Series 60 3rd Edition FP1
3. Nokia Series 60 3rd Edition FP1 phones with latest firmware update
Known issues:
Widget has Beta support for reading Wikipedia in all available languages. This function has following issues:
1. Even though content and searching in any language is generally working, menus and messages are not localised yet
2. History and Bookmarks do not remember the language in which page was viewed ("only current language" issue)
3. In history and bookmarks views, article tit
titles may not be displayed correctly for some scripts ("unicode storage" issue)
Change Log v1.0rc2:
– Fixed search language;
– Fixed problems with apostrophe in article name.

15 February, 2010 Posted by | Phones | , | Leave a comment